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Programme NEM Nova

The Programme NEM Nova is one of the categories of the NEM 3.0 scheme. It is designed to provide solar incentives to commercial establishments and industries that make use of renewable energy resources, specifically solar PV installations. NOVA stands for Net Offset Virtual Aggregation.

It is expected for this solar incentive to help businesses better cope with the rising costs of energy, thereby effectively reducing overall operational costs.

In the event of excess energy generated by the system but not consumed within the premises, this excess may be transported through the Supply System by way of two distinct arrangements: Category A and Category B.

Programme NEM Nova: How does Category A and Category B work?

Excess energy generated within the premises may not be immediately consumed due to a number of reasons, including load demand shifts and possible challenges encountered during operations. This exportation of excess energy may be carried out through either of the categories listed below:

Category A

Excess energy generated with the NEM NOVA premise may be exported to the Distribution Licensee through the Supply System. The value of the excess energy exported will serve as an offset value to the electricity billing of the NOVA consumer, with this offset value to be credited to the consumer’s account effective for the next applicable billing period. The unit price of the energy value for the offset procedure will follow the Average System Marginal Price or SMP.

Category B

Under this category, excess energy may be transported to a maximum of 3 Designated Premises also via the Supply System. The offset arrangement will be determined through the value of the exported excess energy, specifically following the Average System Marginal Price as the base for the unit price. The offset system shall be made to the electricity bill of the Designated Premises for the next billing period. A Premise operated and managed by a solely-owned subsidiary company may be determined as a Designated Premise of a NOVA consumer.

Requirements for licensing and eligibility:

  • Installation must be carried out by licensed personnel eligible to handle and perform installation and installation-related activities as specified in the ST Guidelines on Licensing.
  • These requirements are applicable to pertinent solar PV systems at 72 kW for three-phase and 24 kW for single-phase.

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